Keep on top of new articles!

We had a little problem with spammers hacking our mail page to send spams, so I’ve had to upgrade the program that makes this website. With any luck, it doesn’t look too much different, but it does have the ability to allow you to subscribe to an RSS feed of this news page so you can find out about new entries more easily. You can find the link to the feed at the bottom of the sidebar on the left of the page. Depending on how your browser is set up, clicking on that link could give you a cool page or a bunch of intimidating-looking code. The simplest explanation for how to use RSS I’ve seen is the video at this page.
Another new feature on this page is the “tags” near the bottom of the sidebar (they have a dot in front of them). These let me put up a link to all the articles that include a particular subject. So, if you’d like to see all the articles I wrote about hyperbaric oxygen, you can just click on the “
Hyperbarics” link and you’ll see them all.
Finally, I’ve written enough articles here that you don’t want them all to load at once, so they are archived by year. Use the links just above the tags to browse the entries by year.